Dixboro House Project
Dixboro House is a new restaurant concept located on a historic property in the Village of Dixboro. The site is flanked by Fleming Creek and contains high quality wetlands with areas of groundwater expression. Fleming Creek is one of the healthiest in Washtenaw County, but there was significant encroachment of invasive species in areas adjacent to the creek and wetlands. InSite worked with the owner and local restoration specialists to compile a habitat restoration plan for the site. The ongoing stewardship provides for the health of the creek and for the quality of experience of patrons and staff.
The raingarden plantings at Dixboro echo the palette of native wetland species along Fleming Creek and provide a grounding and a sense of place to the new construction. InSite also completed an extensive entry planting using primarily native plants and cultivars, with a selection of native grasses that weave between flowering forbs. The design intent is to lead visitors through the habitats across the site, providing a lens to understand the intentionality of native landscape design in relation to the established plant communities.
Location - Village of Dixboro
Date - 2021